Finish the Fight

Our Story

The Robert E. Reed Gastrointestinal Oncology Research Foundation (The Reed Foundation) was formed in 2002 while Robert Reed was battling pancreatic cancer. Mr. Reed felt strongly that creating a focus on GI cancer research and patient care would accelerate the discovery of a cure.

Since its inception, the Foundation has significantly raised awareness and understanding about all gastrointestinal cancers. The first fundraising event, “Finish the Fight” Iron Bowl Party, was held in November of 2004.  This annual event, as well as other endeavors, continue to produce financial support to fund research and patient care. 

We invite you to become involved with the Reed Foundation and help us “Finish the Fight”. Hundreds of people have joined our cause by helping us raise money, volunteer, and support our fundraising efforts.

Carolyn and Robert Reed

Junior Board Trailblazers

The Robert Reed GI Cancer Research Foundation Junior Board is a group of dedicated young professionals with the common goal to raise awareness and funding for GI Cancer research and patient care. We are extremely grateful for this group of volunteers who give of their time and efforts. Follow the link to learn more about our 2023 About Town Trailblazers.

Welcome Back to Birmingham

The Robert Reed GI Cancer Research Foundation is excited to have Dr. Marty Heslin back in the city of Birmingham. Dr. Heslin was Robert Reed’s doctor in 2002 when he was fighting Pancreatic Cancer and together they had the vision for the Reed Foundation as a way to raise awareness and funding for all types of GI Cancers.

The UAB Department of Surgery welcomes the return of Martin J. Heslin, M.D., MSHA to UAB, as Division of Surgical Oncology professor and UAB Health System medical and quality officer.

Dr. Marty Heslin
Get to Know

Faces of GI Cancer

Get to Know More Faces of GI Cancer