John Michael Pierce

John Michael Pierce

John Michael Pierce Esophageal Cancer | 2021 John Michael Pierce noticed his first symptoms while on a date of all things. A few weeks later, he was diagnosed with stage IV esophogeal cancer. He made the conscious decision to approach his treatment and greater life as an opportunity to reaffirm his faith and to grow…

Minnette Wiggins

Minnette Wiggins

Minnette Wiggins Gastric Cancer | 2019Minnette is a schoolteacher that was having some minor difficulties in swallowing her food. She was stunned when she was diagnosed with gastric cancer. Through the care of Dr. Heslin and his team – along with her bravery – Minnette is back with her students.

Sophie Slate

Sophie Slate

Sophie Slate Esophageal Cancer | 2016Sophie was diagnosed in 2012 with stage 3 esophageal cancer. After aggressive treatment, she was cancer-free in August 2013. Sophie is happy today to be teaching first grade in Hoover and spending time with her husband and son.